Animated music video for Berlin artist based on 80’s computer games
Music video created using a combination of animation, live action and vintage archive footage of computers
A beautiful magical music video combining animation and live action
Music video edited as one continuous zoom using animation and live action
Retro futuristic animated music video featuring hip hop artists from Kenya
A surreal animated music video featuring a hip hop artist from Kenya
A mix of vintage archive footage from Africa and hand drawn animation
A surreal mix of animation and live action, featuring hip hop artists from Kenya
A gentle animated music video based on astrological diagrams and wonderings
Animated music video inspired by retro futuristic artwork
A simple animated music video that is a visual interpretation of the different sounds in the song
An unlucky Yeti fails at building a house out of snow but finds friendship in unexpected places
An abstract music video created with hand drawn frame-by-frame animation
Animated music video made with a mix of hand drawn rotoscoping and collage artwork
A music video shot on Super-8, inspired by the Warhol screen tests
A music video made by projecting vintage archive footage onto a cardboard city